Thinking about buying a property with cellphone tower on it

by Armen
(Columbus, OH, USA)

HI, I'm thinking about buying a property with a cell phone tower already on it. What it looks like it has ATT equipment only on it and it managed by American Tower company. I'm training to get an idea of the expected lease terms.

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Nov 06, 2020
Value, contracts, and options
by: bumper

I'm sure the cell site has been factored into the asking price. That value may vary wildly, from negative (if they've previously agreed to a perpetual easement in exchange for a lump sum) to well over a hundred times the monthly rent (the last lump sum offer on my site was over 150 times! I turned it down).

In any case, as Stephan said, you'll want to review the contract. There are both overt and subtle things within that can affect the value a lot. How does co-location revenue impact rent, and how are annual increases in rent handled?

American Tower will always work to lower their costs.

Nov 06, 2020
Buying land with an American Tower cell tower
by: Stephen

Can the seller provide you with a lease?

Have you run a title search? Has the sell SOLD the rental stream in exchange for an easement?

Is American Tower currently paying rent?

When does the lease expire?

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