The tower is 4 years old. It was a high priority location for verizon. They are requesting a substantial rent reduction and terms change to equipment and additional antennas. Including a pre priced land lease expansion.
On a scale of 1-10 one being they terminate after 5 yrs 10 will never let this site go. What is my risk of loosing the site? I will hold you harmless for your reply.
They also were going to exercise there first right of refusal on a sale of the lease to a third party. I kept the lease in favor of the long term benefit.
Then we will hold harmless for your question by: Tower Genius
Hey Phil... Then we will hold harmless for your question :-)
But seriously, we need more information about the specifics of your cell tower to be able to tell you our opinion, because everything is site-specific. We need to see what Verizon is doing and how your tower ties into the 6 or 7 Verizon cell sites that surround yours. We charge a premium fee for this service to provide wireless landlords with a comprehensive wireless facilities review of their cell site and lease agreement. Md7 gets paid a premium by the carriers (Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T etc) to reduce their operating expenses and improve lease terms in their favor.
Now, on a lighter note...
Please read our disclaimer page by clicking the footer at the bottom of any of our non-blog pages. By posting on our blog you are already holding us harmless from any dumb or misinformed answers we may give, or from any other intelligent comments other may make here.
Over the years we have answered over 500 questions for readers on both of our websites, and we can honestly tell you that there are no other competitors in our area of expertise who even come close to the amount of information we provide for cell tower landlords. Part of the problem is that some of our distinguished competitors are attorneys, and they are afraid of getting into a lawsuit over something that is construed as "advice". So please use this website at your own risk.
Now that I got that off my chest, please call us if you would like to discuss the specifics of your Verizon cell tower lease proposal from the nice folks at Md7.
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Cell Tower Lease Rates in 2024 are NOT determined by Square Feet or Numbers of Antennas, regardless of what you were told, talk to the Experts at Tower Genius.