How Do I Get A Cell Provider To Build A Tower on My Property?
by Terry
(Chicago )
We have a warehouse located on the north side of Chicago less than a mile away from Wrigley Field. Very heavy populated area. It is also one AT&T's many dead zones in the city.
Most of your comments and questions come from people who have been approached by phone companies. What would be the best way for a property owner to approach a phone company ? We could use the extra income. Thanks!
Comments for How Do I Get A Cell Provider To Build A Tower on My Property?
Being in a highly populated area there will probably be high resentment to the visual pollution created by having visible cellular towers on your building/property.
City ordinances and zoning regulations are becoming more strict as residents don't want to look at cell towers every day. A great solution to this problem is RF friendly cell site concealments.
Please view the "Concealed Sites" tab to the left, near the bottom for more information on how companies like Peabody Concealment can help you pass city zoning regulations by creating a structure that blends perfectly with the existing building to hide cell towers without deceasing the signal strength.
Mar 28, 2011 Rating
Terry please post the following info and I will try to get AT&T to take a look at your site. by: Tower Genius
Terry, you want to make it easy for the folks at AT&T to review your tower location. They are also going to be looking at what competing T-Mobile sites are in the area. If your AT&T coverage is poor, you might have something.
Please post 1 or 2 photos of the site on the blog along with the following:
o Your name, your business contact number o Exact site address in Chicago so they can pull it up on Google o Property size, acres or square feet o Coordinates Lat-Lon if possible
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Cell Tower Lease Rates in 2024 are NOT determined by Square Feet or Numbers of Antennas, regardless of what you were told, talk to the Experts at Tower Genius.