23500 Cristo Rey Drive, Cupertino, Ca

by Jon Ramos
(San Jose, Ca)

In October 2011 the San Jose Mercury wrote a story about ATT installing a cell phone tower on Cristo Rey Drive, in Cupertino at The Forum. The article appeared in the SJ Mercury on October 13th. I live in the area, and now nearly 18 months later wonder if the tower will ever be installed. Alex Morin was quoted in the article, that can be found by doing a Google or Yahoo search. The only company that seems to have good coverage is Verizon. Can you tell me exactly when the tower will be installed, or has the tower been cancelled and will not be installed. I called Alan Campbell who is local yesterday and the message rolled into his voice mail system. As a consumer who uses ATT cell service, my patience is running out. We seem to pay the monthly and yearly rates, but get spotted service in the area. Any assistance you could provide would be helpful.
Jon Ramos

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May 31, 2013
FORWARD? Coverage and Capacity Squeeze
by: Tower Genius

We understand your frustration and feel your pain. AT&T and other carriers have done incredibly well marketing and selling smart phones that are bandwidth hogs. Every time a new subscriber is added the coverage shrinks, and you drop calls. Now add into the mix that you live in the heart of socialist controlled utopia known as the Rebublik of Kalifornia and now you understand why it takes carriers forever to get a cell site leased, zoned, permitted and built. The Bay Area is one of the most beautiful places in the United States to live, and one of the worst places for free enterprise.

Tower Genius

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