What other carriers are on the Verizon tower on my property?

by Fred

My siblings and I own a Verizon cell tower lease in southern Indiana. The lease will expire in 9 years. The tower is currently managed by American Tower.

1. How can I tell if there are other carriers on the tower?

2. How can I find out who those carriers are?

3. If there are other carriers, would the equipment that they use be their own equipment or Verizons?

The reason I ask is that the lease agreement states "LESSEE shall have the right to replace, repair, add or otherwise modify its equipment or any portion thereof, whether the equipment is specified or not on any exhibit attached hereto, during the term of this Agreement." So if it's not the LESSEE's equipment (other carrier's equipment) it seems that they don't have the right to install it or maintain it. Am I barking up the wrong tree here?

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Feb 25, 2020
by: Anonymous

Yes, you can tell what other carriers are on the site by what's on the ground unless they are sharing a single shelter. But you would have to have some experience to determine what you are looking at. Telltale signs that multiple carriers are operating on the site are that there are clusters of panel antennas at multiple heights. For example, there might be 9 antennas at 150' and another 9 antennas at 120'. Each cell carrier is generally, but not always, going to use three sectors, with two to four antennas pointed in the same direction and each separate by 120 degrees on the horizon. So, for example, a carrier might have one set of antennas pointing north, another at 120 degrees (Southeast), and another at 240 degrees (Southwest). If you see another cluster of antennas at a different height, and they are pointing in different directions, then it is probably two different carriers. The equipment on the ground will also be clustered together. So.. look at how many unique sets of coaxial cables (for those 9 antennas, cables probably 1-3" in diameter) go to different groups of cabinets or shelters on the ground. Another telltale sign.

Jun 05, 2017
Great questions Fred.
by: Stephen

With 9 years remaining, American Tower probably wants to extend the lease.

Are you sure that American Tower is only managing it?

We need to take a look at the lease and at the tower itself to figure out what's there.

Count the electrical meters. How many are spinning or labeled?

How many sets of antennas do you see?

How many equipment cabinets, platforms or shelters are there ?

Give us a call to discuss.

Tower Genius

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