AT&T Step Down Program

by Bill
(New York City)

We were contacted about 2 years ago by a 3rd party company representing AT&T wireless about their AT&T Step Down Program, as the header of their letter stated. As I have done some research and thus found your very informative website, I think that this is just another clever name for the other rental reduction or lease optimizing offers that they try to entice landlords to accept. Since then the AT&T representatives have told us that they are considering moving the cell tower location because the rent we are getting is too high. They even sent me a copy of a letter of intent for a nearby building where they say that the owner has agreed to lease them rooftop space for their antennas. the only problem is that it's lower than all the other buildings around it and about 50 feet lower than were their antennas are currently mounted on my building. I don't understand the technological aspects of wireless phone networks, but I've been in business for over 40 years and it smells like a lot of B.S. if you ask me. That is Bravo Sierra. How can you help me?

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Jun 05, 2013
Yes it is a rental reduction program
by: Tower Genius

Bill, you are correct, the AT&T step down program was a rent reduction campaign they rolled out a year or two ago. These programs are all designed to place the seed of doubt in the landlord's head that if you don't give them a break and agree to lower the rent, they may pull out and move the cell tower to another location.

Some of the other names they use are:

Rental Holiday
Rent Guarantee
Lease Optimization Program LOP
Lease Expiration Program LEP
Fabulous Lease Optimization Program FLOP... LOL we made that one up. But you get the idea.

We can help you to make heads or tails of their proposals. In rare cases your site may actually be in danger of being moved, but we can help you to see the technological and financial reasons to help you make a sound decision of how to respond to them.

Please call us!

Tower Genius

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